
The programme objective is to achieve less carbon intensive energy and increased security of supply.

The Programme seeks to stimulate and develop long‐term cooperation between Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway (“the Donor States”) and Romania (“Beneficiary State”) and is encouraging bilateral Donor Partnership Projects.

  • Programmes targeting greenhouse gas reductions and/or avoidance through energy efficiency measures shall deliver considerable reductions at a reasonable cost;
  • a maximum of 150 EUR grant per tonne CO2 equivalent per year reduced/ avoided should be aimed for;
  • Priority shall be given to bilateral partnerships offering added value
  • Fund Operator: Innovation Norway

Wallachia eHUB (WEH) implementează proiectul WEH finanțat din fonduri nerambursabile, 50% prin Programul Europa Digitală (Digital Europe Programme – DEP) – EC/101083410 – WeH și 50% prin POCIDIF/1147/2/1/161799. Proiectul vizează furnizarea de servicii de digitalizare și inovare a IMM-urilor/ APL-urilor (primării și consilii locale), în vederea eficientizării proceselor desfășurate prin transformarea digitală impusă de evoluția tehnologiilor informaționale, multimedia și de comunicație.

Valoare totală a finanțării: 3.172.262,50 Euro

Perioadă de implementare a proiectului: 1 ianuarie 2023 – 31 decembrie 2025

Regiunile de dezvoltare din România în care se implementează proiectul:

  • Regiunea Sud Muntenia (RSB)
  • Regiunea București-Ilfov (RBI)

Petroleum Geology

Updated: aprilie 21, 2022

Ability to realize and coordinate the activities in petroleum Geology and Geophysics domain; Technological expertise within ReservoirnGeology and Well Geophysics area and knowledge of current trends and opportunitieswithin these areas; Ability to combine technological expertise with  knowledge of Economics, Management, organization and project work and to examinetechnological solutions in a business and social perspective; Ability

Hydrocarbon Transportation, Storage and Distribution

Updated: aprilie 21, 2022

Petroleum and Gas Engineering

Updated: aprilie 21, 2022

INFORMATION ON SKILLS AND CURRICULUM Ability to coordinate and supervise drilling, production and workover processes; Technological expertise within the petroleum area and knowledge of current trends and opportunities within this area; Ability to use dedicated drilling–production software; Ability to combine technological expertise with knowledge of economics, management, organization and project work and to examine technological